Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 03: a b & c


One night, I was toasting a frozen waffle that had already thawed and it was taking a long time.  I had to keep an eye on the waffle so it wouldn't burn in the process.  I found myself falling into a daze and staring at the heating coils on the other side of the toaster.  I like how this photo captures the essence of my dazed looking.


As in Week 001: a b & c,  I've simply photographed the activity in the alley behind my apartment. This image is interesting to me because of the questions it prompts me to ask. Why exactly are these two people at the corner of the dumpster that, I know, is locked? They both are attending to their beverage containers. How are those involved in this mini-narrative? Why does the jogging stroller only have netting, and as far as alley travel goes, is the jogging stroller the new shopping cart?


A few years ago, I was in the habit of photographing lions around the city. I didn't hunt for them, but when I saw one, I was intrigued by the lion's face, particularly its expression. Recently, this lion caught my attention and then I noticed that it looked somewhat rapid. I like how this image has flattened the lion's appearance and also how it causes me to project human emotion and personality onto a common door/porch/walkway ornament.

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