Monday, October 13, 2008

Week 002: a b & c

This week, I've included three images that are each a type of self-portrait.

I'm not typically that into photos of flowers, because they all look sort of the same to me, but this particular photograph shows one of the flowers that I received for my birthday so it has meaning to me and therefore I like it.  Particularly, I like how, in this image, the use of flash created an over saturated, washed out photograph.


I spend a lot of time doing crossword puzzles.  Recently, it occurred to me to take a photograph of whatever I would be looking at if the crossword were not there (in my lap, on the table, etc.) This photo is a result of that thought and subsequent process.   I like how the steamy quality of the bathtub has been conveyed visually.


I hardly ever take photos of myself that aren't some form of snapshot with friends or tourist-in-front-of-a-spectacle photo.  This image is an example of a departure from that type of image. It's just me seen from a peculiar angle.  I'm in the process of getting used to the way that I appear in this kind of less composed, atypical snapshot.

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